Rubber Tube
Rubber Tube
The background for this project came after being asked to develope a design proposal, defined as a WORK-SURFACE, inspired by what it means to be a craftsman in 2018. From initially working with the soap as a product and how it affects us in our everyday life, our focus shiftet towards the surrounding aspect; the washing ritual.
It was clear that the soap itself had a massive impact on the cleaning culture in general, its essential role in tradition and it’s convenient relation to washing rituals.
The background for this project came after being asked to develope a design proposal, defined as a WORK-SURFACE, inspired by what it means to be a craftsman in 2018. From initially working with the soap as a product and how it affects us in our everyday life, our focus shiftet towards the surrounding aspect; the washing ritual.
It was clear that the soap itself had a massive impact on the cleaning culture in general, its essential role in tradition and it’s convenient relation to washing rituals.

TILT is a sculptural basin, inspired by our cleaning ritual. The design proposal lies on the borderline between a daily object of utlilty and an arfifact.
TILT concists of three elements; the basin itself, the water drain pillar and the water resource beam.
Purely concentrating on the process of cleaning our hands, all unnecessary functions and ornaments are removed.
The basin focus on the functional purpose, with a minimalistic language, that guides the users behaviour to concentrate on the essentials, the ritual.
TILT measures mm. H:730 W:620 L:450
More about the
process can be
found here:
TILT concists of three elements; the basin itself, the water drain pillar and the water resource beam.
Purely concentrating on the process of cleaning our hands, all unnecessary functions and ornaments are removed.
The basin focus on the functional purpose, with a minimalistic language, that guides the users behaviour to concentrate on the essentials, the ritual.
TILT measures mm. H:730 W:620 L:450
More about the
process can be
found here: